Assignment 0401-Accessibilty


Mobile Flight Plan App – Accessibility Strategy

Thankyou for considering Bradley Design to assist in your effort to create an accessible, Mobile-based flight plan application, designed to include both digital and printed media. Below, we have summarized the three key areas which will address the varied abilities and needs of your clients’ customers.

Recommendations for accessible digital experience:

  • Robust compatability with input devices that are designed to minimize requirements for dexterity or motor control
  • Screen readers/Braille- make design linear so screen readers don’t miss content, and design content with clear headings
  • Robust semantic structure & text (Machine Readable)-page elements should be marked-up to to describe content, purpose, hierarchal structure and order.
  • Non text alternatives – write effective alt text to include user experience of all information
  • Designed for the user to have the ability to adjust the font size without losing any functionality
  • Input that relies on user movement must be easily disabled by user, to decrease the likelyhood of an accident
  • Consider inviting users of the app (of varied abilities) to assist during prototyping and testing stages
  • Avoid captchas-they are not usually designed for users with vsual difficullties
  • Visual Presentation-as this app will primarily be used on a tablet or mobile phone-it should first be designed for smaller screens.
  • Responsive design with flexible orientation, minimum size recommendations, scrolling on single axis only, and avoid fully justifed text.
  • Format text to avoid loss of content, functionality, or visual quality.  Follow the accessible text recommendations
  • Non-text functions (audio, animation, visual equivalency) must be designed with all abilities in mind, and be fully and easily adjustable by the user. (Ie volume of audio)

Recommendations for accessible printed experience:

  • Use a font size between 12-24 pt, and avoid using any font with an x-height of any less than 1.5mm. Use body text sizes and avoid the use of superscript and subscript.
  • Use one of the common fonts, as fonts that we are familar with are easier to visually process.
  • Use a 1 inch margin for letter-sized documents
  • Choose paper that minimizes glare, with a matte finish, and avoid paper weights that allow ink show-through.  At the same time, avoid the use of paper that is so heavy it is difficult to manage, and choose a printing proccess that minimizes dot-gain.
  • Format your printed documents first, with digital export in mind.
  • Use a color contrast analyser , after soft-proofing with Adobe Indesign

Recommendations for accessible user experience of  flight plan application:

Map Functionality:

  • Gesture based input such as drag and pan to find areas on map must be accessed by keyboard
  • Input that relies on user movement must be easily disabled, to decrease the likelyhood of an accident


General Recommendations:

  • Consider advising your client to include accessible environmetal graphic design for the users of the airfields including wayfinding, signage, visual and tactile messaging


Registered Graphic Designers of Canada – Accessibility Handbook

Accessibility Checker

The Accessible Canada Act

Canadian National Institute for the Blind

British Columbia Accessibility Act

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1 Comment

  1. mwilson

    Great work Shawna.

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