Team Communication and Document Sharing Slack

Slack is an efficient method of sharing information and communicating between team members, including document sharing through Google Docs, and image sharing.  Slack is an inexpensive, easy to use application.

Project Management, Time Tracking, Digital Marketing, Prototyping, SEO and Page Testing Zoho


Zoho Creator Premium offers up to 50 apps with unlimited records and offline mobile access for those times of lost internet while travelling/working remotely.  At a price of $20/user/month, a small team like ours can cover a lot of ground with one solution!

 Version Control and Code Testing AWS Amplify


AWS Amplify is built by Amazon’s cloud services team, and is designed to help developers of web and mobile appications build in a secure and scaleable way using cloud services.  Version control, code testing, and product deployment are all included!

AWS Amplify (@AWSAmplify) | Twitter

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1 Comment

  1. mwilson

    Concise! I’m a fan of fewer interfaces.

    There isn’t enough information to sell me on it though. As a team member, I don’t feel excited to start using Zoho because I don’t know what it has to offer that Harvest doesn’t.

    You’ve missed opening the links in a new tab. Here is a hint for future posts:

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