Problem #4
English Solution
- Find out if landing was in Courtenay, if yes, enter Courtenay landing time and store it in a variable “courtenay landing time”. (Input)
- Add 20 minutes to landing time and store in a variable called “possible res. time”
- Call Atlas cafe to see if the “possible res time” is available
- If yes, book res time, and book taxi for landing time.
- If landing wasn’t in Courtenay, landing was in Smit’s field, so enter Smit’s field landing time (Input)
- Add 45 min to landing time and store in variable called “possible res. time2” (Input)
- Call Atlas to see if “possible res. time2” is available
- If the res. time is available, book res. time and book loaner car
- If the res. time is not available, book the loaner car anyway.
Flowchart Solution
Notes: The comments beneath the stop buttons are for amusement purposes only, they are not part of the flowchart.
This works too. It could be done more efficiently, but this does the trick.
Here is my version: